Desperately Clinging to the Habit Theory

Ok, so remember a few entries ago when I said how it’s not about the numbers on the scale that matter, it’s the habits you pick up along the way? And how we shouldn’t put so much emphasis on the scale anyway because the body’s weight can fluctuate due to tissue and muscle shifting, or retained water, or a trip to the bathroom? I still sincerely, 100 percent believe that.

And yet, I’m still really irked that I only lost one pound this week.

I worked like crazy the last nine days (I had to switch my weigh-in day from Wednesday to Saturday for the summer). I tracked all my food. I exercised almost every day. I earned 61 activity points and have a bucket of sweat to prove it (not really, but my heart rate was really, really up). I even had an extra three days this week, and after all that sacrifice the WW office scale that is canon showed me down only one measly pound.



I just needed to get that out.

So yeah, about those habits.  Our habits over the months are what truly matter in long-term weight loss and even though the scale doesn’t blah blah blah you know it’s just plain irritating when the amount of effort you put into something is greater than the amount of results that actually pan out. I was so sure I was going to lose at least two pounds this week, maybe even three due to the three extra days, but no, it’s as if my fat cells were just being stubborn. Stupid fat cells.

I have since coped with my disappointment by completely disregarding my allotted Points over the weekend and eating whatever I felt like eating. Take that, fat cells (they’re probably taking that just fine). I’m very full tonight. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say I don’t feel deprived.

Now I’m trying to regroup and prepare for tomorrow. It’s Monday, and historically I’ve always done well with Mondays. I will get back on the treadmill for at least 45 minutes. I will count and face all my Points for the day. I will put my scale in the deep, dark cupboard under the sink, not because it shows I’ve had a five-pound gain since yesterday, but because it’s not about the number on the scale, it’s about the habits we pick up along the way.

Oh, I’m so glad I can say that and mean it again.

*Archived from June 2016 

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